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St Edward's College

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Our curriculum is made up of core knowledge

  • The aim of our curriculum is to ensure pupils acquire core knowledge through study, experience and being taught.
  • Our curriculum provides the knowledge of Catholic values and the world around them that can equip our pupils to make a positive difference in society
  • We plan our curriculum to ensure pupils transfer knowledge to their long-term memory over time
  • Our super curriculum focuses on the character development of pupils. Our values of ‘Be proud’, ‘Join in’, ‘Work hard’, Grow in faith’ and ‘Treat other people well’ supports them in becoming modern day disciples of Christ.

Find out more about each subject's curriculum by clicking on one of the icons below.

Curriculum-(Year-7-11) (ID 1042)










This is aided by

  • Planning our curriculum in such a way that it supports pupils with arranging their knowledge into sets of ideas “schemas”
  • Providing opportunities to revisit core knowledge.
  • Providing assessment to identify misconceptions and gaps in core knowledge and support pupils with addressing these
  • Provide feedback that focuses on moving the pupil forward.
  • Providing homework that revisits core knowledge
  • Providing depth by going beyond the national curriculum providing hinterland knowledge that helps make core knowledge stick by linking it to unfamiliar contexts
  • Provide scaffolding to pupils that required to ensure all curriculum is ambitious for all

Department for Education performance data

Please visit the Department for Education website to see the school's performance data.

DfE School Performance Website