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St Edward's College

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Cathedral Choir

St Edward's has been Choir School to Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral since the early 1970s, educating, from the age of 11, the boy choristers of the Cathedral Choir and, since 2008, the members of the Cathedral Girls’ Choir. There are usually about 45 Cathedral Choristers amongst the pupils of the College.

The boy and girl Choristers lead busy lives, rehearsing at school from before 08.00 each morning and singing at services in the Cathedral most evenings, and on Sundays. The Cathedral Choir has a formidable international reputation for musical excellence and, in addition to their regular duties, the choristers take part in a demanding schedule of concerts, broadcasts and recordings, as well as acting as musical ambassadors for the city on foreign concert tours.

There is a close relationship between the College and the Cathedral with the Director and Assistant Director of Cathedral Music being honorary members of the College staff. Both the first Master of Music and Organist in the new building, brothers Philip and Terence Duffy, were former pupils of St Edward's College.

All Choristers make a significant contribution to the musical life of the College by participating in the various choirs and orchestras. This enables the boys to continue with the subject on a practical basis when their voices change. Many choose to take GCSE and A-Level Music and some go on to study it at university and to enter the profession at the highest level.