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Other Choirs

Youth Choir

Recently established to allow ex-choristers the opportunity to continue performing, the Youth Choir at the Cathedral is going from strength to strength, with the number of performance opportunities increasing.

Cathedral Choir

As Choir School to the Metropolitan Cathedral, the College is home to the boy and girl choristers from age 11. The choristers perform in College-based concerts and events on top of their usual Cathedral duties.

Pupils and students who love to sing can join one of our many choirs at the College, performing a wide variety of sacred and secular pieces.

College Consort

College Consort is a high-quality choir and membership is by audition as there are only 18 places. Each member is expected to be an experienced singer with excellent sight reading skills as the choir often has to learn music at short notice. Consort is often the choir of choice for important occasions both in and out of school.

Pop Choir

Pop Choir is a pupil-led choir and welcomes singers of any standard from Years 7 to 13. Pupils rehearse weekly and sing a range of popular repertoire.

Junior Choir

Junior Choir is at aimed pupils in Years 7 to 9 and welcomes all pupils. The choir usually has around 30 members and tends to focus on popular repertoire and musicals.

Senior Choir

Senior Choir is the choir of Middle School and Sixth Form and welcomes all voices from Years 10 to 13. It is the main school choir, having approximately 30 members. The choir performs at concerts and services throughout the school year.


As part of pupils’ learning in Key Stage 3, the teaching of keyboard playing forms part of weekly music lessons.  Two music rooms equipped with keyboards and computer programs Sibelius 7 allow classes to fully participate in learning this new musical skill.

As instrumental skills progress, development in music theory and musicianship becomes increasingly important in helping pupils and students to perform with sensitivity, understanding and confidence.

Term Concerts

Pupils and students from across all school years join together to perform at our termly concerts and other special occasions. Members of the orchestra also lend their musical skills to our Lower School Production, providing the perfect soundtrack to the action being performed on the stage.

Advent Term

  • Founders’ Evening at the Metropolitan Cathedral
  • Feast of St Edward Mass at the Metropolitan Cathedral
  • Christmas Concert
  • School Carol Service at the Metropolitan Cathedral

Lent Term

  • Spring Concert
  • Leavers’ Concert

Trinity Term

  • Summer Concert
  • Lower School Production