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St Edward's College

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Reading Progress

Reading Ages:

We test pupils’ reading ages using STAR Reader. You can find further information about STAR Reader by following the link below. We test reading ages once a term for most pupils (some may be tested more regularly than this). 
Assessments & Testing | Renaissance Learning % (renlearn.co.uk)

How we use Reading Ages in School:

All teachers are aware of the reading ages of the pupils in their class and use this information to inform their planning and the support they give in lesson. 

Pupils with reading ages below a certain threshold will receive specialist intervention, using the Lexonik Leap Reading Programme. We also have a wonderful group of Sixth Formers that have volunteered to read with some of our KS3 children. 

All pupils will also read on a far more regular basis in school. Your child will encounter varied texts across the curriculum in every subject, will read more in English and will participate in Form Time reading. Reading more, reading more regularly and reading a varied range of texts will help your child to improve their reading ages – bringing a host of benefits. Higher reading ages will aid your child in every subject in school and will help lead your child to better outcomes at GCSE. Reading regularly – and higher reading ages – have also been linked to greater levels of happiness and wellbeing and to better opportunities in the workplace. 
Why Reading Matters – Wise Words LiteracyReading facts | Reading Agency

How You Can Help Your Child at Home:

Firefly has a Recommended Reading page with subject-specific choices:

Firefly Recommended Reading


The DfE have released an information leaflet that outlines several tips and provides detailed guidance on how to encourage children – particularly older children – to read more at home:

Supporting Parents to Read with Children (DFE)


We have also had some interesting conversations with pupils that tell us about their experiences reading before bed with parents when they were younger – and they really miss this! The bedtime story can be an extremely effective way to introduce more reading into your child’s daily routine – and can even be a powerful force at KS4 and KS5!

‘Now I am in Year 11, we don’t read stories together any more, but we do sit down at the kitchen table on a Sunday and read the newspaper together! I enjoy it because I get to hear my Mum’s opinion on the piece, too.’
Reading with our teenagers and keeping the bedtime story alive (lexonik.co.uk)

If you struggle to find books that interest your child, try the online library now available in Liverpool through the Library service – allowing your child to try a range of books by different authors and in different genres to find reading they will enjoy. Sign up, free, online:
Home - Read Liverpool

Recommendations – often from young people themselves – can be found on this website:
Children's Book Reviews, Recommendations and Free Opening Extracts | Lovereading4kids UK

St Edward’s Reads:

Join the conversation @stedwardsreads on Twitter! Here, you will find subject-specific book recommendations that will excite an interest in a subject or topic. Parents will find these recommendations as useful as pupils will!

Bedrock - A guide for parents