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Homework Timetables for Year 7-11 can be found by clicking on the following links. All pupils in Year 7-9 will complete Knowledge Organiser homework in Week A.

 Year 7-9 Homework Timetable

Year 10-11 Homework Timetable

All pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 have been given a Knowledge Organiser folder which contains all of the key content they must learn this half term. In Week A, pupils will be set work each night on Firefly by their subject teachers to learn some of the statements from the Knowledge Organiser. They will then need to learn these statements and provide evidence of this by completing them in their grey homework book. 

Pupils are expected to write these statements 3 evenings in a row to ensure they have learnt them and should follow these guidelines:

  1. Look at the statement and read it 3 times over
  2. Without looking, write the statement from memory into your homework book, making corrections with a different coloured pen once you have checked your work (use a different page for each subject so you can write underneath)
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 on the second and third evening

Homework books will be checked on a Friday during form time and pupils who have not completed their work will be expected to attend a catch-up session that evening.   Parents can support this by checking homework books to ensure they are keeping on top of their work as well as testing them regularly on the statements. 

Please click on the following links to access the latest Key Stage 3 Knowledge Organiser content:

Year 7

Year 8Year 9