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Gaudete Trust

The Gaudete Trust is a legal entity with the authority to take on those legal, financial, and inspirational responsibilities of educational trusteeship that were formerly exercised by individual Religious Orders. It is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) recognised by the Charities Commission and a Public Juridic Person recognised by the Church.


Our family of schools and colleges are co- creators of God’s kingdom where justice, truth and peace reign.


The mission of the Gaudete Trust is to support a family of schools and colleges which is animated by the distinctive charisms of the founding Religious Orders and shares a vision rooted in the values of the gospel.


The Gaudete Trust aims to:

Provide a service to Religious Orders within the Trust by exercising, fully or in part according to different needs, those legal, financial, and inspirational responsibilities of educational trusteeship that were formerly carried out by individual orders.


Oversee the implementation of the shared vision of education in its schools and colleges, and honour and support the individual charisms of their founders.


Provide a service that supports the schools and colleges in offering young people (and by extension their parents/carers and the local and national community) an outstanding and distinctive experience of Catholic education.


Be an advocate for the schools and colleges both in terms of the shared vision for which they all stand and for the individual good of each establishment.