Exam Results
Key Stage 4 - 2023-24 PERFORMANCE DATA
- Attainment 8 score 49.6 (Local Authority average 41.7, England average 46.2)
- Progress 8 score -0.29 (Local Authority average -0.44, England average -0.03)
- Percentage of pupils achieving grade 5 or above in English and Maths 54% (Local Authority average 37%, England average 45%)
- Percentage of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) 54% (Local Authority average 34%, England average 39%)
- Percentage of pupils staying in education or employment after Key Stage 4 (2021) 96% (Local Authority average 92%, England average 94%)
DfE School Performance Website
Please click on the following document to view GCSE results:
- Progress: Please note that the DfE have stated that they will not be releasing progress data (Level 3 Value Added) for 2023 Key Stage 5 results as these measures would be based on prior attainment data from 2021 (GCSE grades awarded via Teacher Assessed Grades during the pandemic).
- Attainment: Average grade = C+
- Destinations: In 2024 80% progressed to degree level study, over a third to Russell Group institutions (39% of students and 49% of those going to university). In the 2024 UCAS cycle, 17 students went on to highly competitive university courses (Durham, the best London universities [including UCL, King’s College London, Imperial and LSE], Maths at Warwick, Medicine etc.)
DfE School Performance Website
A Level and Applied General Results 2023
A Level & BTEC Results Summary 2022
The Sixth Form is ambitious for all, fostering ambitious choices through one-to-one tutorials and the Honours Programme, with students building the knowledge and skills to progress to the most prestigious universities. 86% progressed to degree level study, over a third to Russell Group institutions (36% of students and 43% of those going to university in 2022). In the 2022 UCAS cycle, 15 students went on to highly competitive university courses (Oxbridge 7 students, [4 Cambridge, 3 Oxford – the joint highest figure in recent years], Durham, the best London universities, Medicine, Dentistry, Music Conservatoires).